
  • Veterinary Clinic Zdrowy Pupil, Lubin
  • Pet passport

    Do animals have passports? Of course they have!
    In our clinic we issue that kind of documents. They are obligatory, if you want to take your dog, cat or ferret for a foreign trip.

    First your pet has to be chipped – it means putting a microchip under the skin on the neck. A microchip is in size of a rice grain and has an individual number, which is as unique as our pesel. This number has to be write in a passport, just like animals’ and its owners’ data. We also note here all of vaccines and their expiration dates.

    Before you go abroad, you should check what are requirements of the country you visit with your pet, especially if it’s not in European Union. Sometimes the date of clinical examination, deworming, application of drug against ticks or test of anti-rabies antibodies amount should be written in passport.

    It is worth to plan issuing a passport at least three weeks before a trip, because some of formalities take a long time and if you try to ignore them, you can have really big problem to take your pet abroad. Remember, health record book will not replace a passport in that situation, although it’s good to have it with you, so a vet can write in some information, which there is no place in passport for, e.g. treatment of your pet.

  • A preparation of the patient for ultrasound

    What should you remember?

    The last meal for your pet you should give 12 hours before an ultrasound.
    You can give water all the time.
    • Two days before the test you can give your pet a gas reducing agents in the gastrointestinal tract (e.g. Espumisan) and the last tablet should be administered two hours before the test.
    • You have to make sure that your pet didn’t urinate just before the test, because we can propely diagnose only when the urinary bladder is full.

    Of course we know that this proper preparation is not always possible. When there is an emergency case the ultrasound have to be done imediatelly. In the case of emergency everything above is not important, because then first aid is the only important thing.

  • How to prepare your pet for a surgery?

    Does your pet has an appointment for some examination under sedation or for the surgery ? That’s great, because it means that you have taken the first step. It’s time to prepare your animal for such a big day.

    • 12 hours before the scheduled date, your pet can get the last, preferably light and not too large meal. We have an exception here – young, sick or extremely exhausted animals can have shorter diet. Then it will be 8 hours, that can help us avoid a dangerous hypoglycemia.

    • The animal should have free access to drinking water. Leave it in its bowl, so your pet can drink from it.

    • If your pet was naughty and became dirty with something, it would be best if you bathe it. We put an utmost care to ensure that the treatments are performed in sterile conditions. We prepare the operating field properly, but the less dirty animals are, the easier it is to do it.

    • It’s very important to do the complete set of blood tests before the surgery – morphology, liver tests, testing glucose levels, renal parameters. Thanks to that we are minimizing the risk, which anesthesia can bring. Of course our clinic performs such tests.

    • If the animal belongs to a breed predisposed to heart defects, is an older animal or during the examination the vet noticed a disturbing murmur, a pet should get EKG and USG of its heart. Such action helps us in choosing the best kind of the anesthesia.

    • In case of chronically ill patients, we always ask owner of providing us with the medical documentation. Again, information about diseases and treatments will help us to properly prepare the medications.

    Of course if the surgery has to be performed urgently, we act immediately and previously specified rules are not mandatory.

    We know very well how much you worry about your beloved pets but we have the last request. Please remember, that they are in really good hands. We put all of our hearts into healing our little patients. Just relax, drink some tea, read a book or go for a walk and when the surgery will be done and your pet will be ready to go home, we’ll call you with the good news.

  • How to take care of the diagnostic material?

    Here are some tips:

    Urine - this may be the morning midstream urine caught in a sterile container and placed in the refrigerator, but an even better material is urine collected in the office by bladder puncture under ultrasound guidance as it is sterile, so the test will be more reliable.
    Feces - 3 stool samples, each the size of a cherry, collected every 24-48 hours, all together in one container and refrigerated.
    Blood - as owners, you must make sure that your pet gets the last meal 12 hours before blood sampling and that he shows up at the office in due time, the doctor will take care of the rest.
    Ears - if your pet's ears are red, itchy, give off an unpleasant smell, do not clean them before the visit, do not pour anything inside because it will disturb the cytological test result. Simply make an appointment in our vet clinic and we'll get and examine the smear.
    Skin, coat - if your pet has alopecia, dandruff, warts, pimples, do not use ointments, shampoos or other specifics on your own, because they may distort the test results. Just remember exactly where the changes are, when the symptoms started and show them at the office. We will select the type of examination and take samples.