Veterinary Clinic Zdrowy Pupil, Lubin
We take care of high standards for the sake of our patients.
Surgery is a field of veterinary medicine which brings us the fastest and the most effective results, but on the other hand is associated with the highest risk and is really stressful for owners. Of course we understand it and because of it we prepared two separate surgery rooms. All for providing appropriate and comfortable conditions. One of said rooms is for so-called “clean treatments” – sterilization, castration, mastectomy etc. The other one is for “dirty treatments” such as stomatology. Everything in the name of the highest sterility and thus safety. The anesthesia machine and the machine for monitoring vital functions help us to maintain maximum safety. Thanks to this we have more control over surgery and what’s going on with our patients.
Preparing of the patient
Mostly surgeries are planned in advance, similar to diagnostic tests - preparation of the patient is crucial:
• your pet can get the last meal 12 hours before the scheduled date ,
• the animal should have free access to drinking water,
• contrary to the ultrasound examination we prefer the patient’s bladder to be empty.If the surgery has to be performed urgently, like after an accident, we act immediately and previously specified rules are not mandatory, because our priority is to save the life.